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Alarm system for home Ajax: assembling a set by yourself

Alarm system for home Ajax: assembling a set by yourself

Ajax - the brand name of high-quality hardware and software protection and security system for apartments, homes, offices and garages. The undoubted advantages of the system include ease of installation and management. In addition, regular updates and improvements to the software, make your alarm system really smart and as self-sufficient as possible.

The company PIPL is a certified partner of Ajax, so you can buy security equipment at the best prices and with guaranteed quality from the manufacturer.

Don't know how to build a gsm alarm kit by yourself? We will help you, and for this we offer to get acquainted with the basic features of Ajax.

What the security system can do

Ajax can be rightly called the best modern alarm system of those on the market today. Thanks to its compact size, stylish design, ease of installation and wide range of features, it is the ideal solution for home, apartment, garage or office.

Many different sensors and other devices are connected to the main element of the alarm system, AJAX Hub, which allows you to set a lot of scenarios that determine the wide possibilities of the system.

You can remotely control individual elements of the security or fire system, or you can set it to make independent decisions. You can set the schedule and even specify what time you need to cool or heat the room when you arrive.

What are the scenarios in Ajax alarms

Scripts are a very handy element of controlling your home security system, even when you are away from the facility. The latest updates to Ajax allow you to use such devices:

  • A smart socket, to which various electrical appliances in the room can be connected.
  • Motion sensors, glass breakers, door openers, street sensors.
  • Fire alarm system.
  • Water leakage protection system.

Smart outlet

Installing an alarm system in an apartment, house, office, garage greatly increases the security of your property. But even with an alarm system installed, security experts recommend creating the appearance of someone being in the room in the absence of the owners. It is most convenient to do this with the help of a smart socket.

Smart socket and motion sensors are connected to the gsm alarm system. In the application, where the device is controlled, a scenario is set, according to which motion sensors, opening or street sensors, having detected an incident, turn on the smart socket, with a light connected to it. In this way, you can simulate the presence of people at home and scare off thieves.

Also to the smart socket you can connect a heated floor, air conditioner, boiler, heating appliances, which will shut off and turn on at the right time for the owners of the premises. This is very convenient, because in addition to significant energy savings, it also preserves the performance of equipment for a long time.

Security on schedule

Using another scenario, you can set the gsm alarm system to arm on a schedule. If you do not want the security device or video surveillance to work when you are at home, you can set a schedule for turning the system on and off at a certain time.

It is extremely important to remember here that if you often go away from home, even for one day, it is better not to use a script and just turn on the alarm system from the remote, because getting bogged down before the road can cause you to forget that a certain schedule works. It is also not recommended to put the mode on the fire system.

Flood protection

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By installing water leak detectors and electrically actuated ball valve, you can set such a scenario in which the system will independently shut off the water supply when a leak is detected. This is very convenient, because not always the owners of the premises have 24-hour access to uninterrupted Internet, and not always there is an opportunity to respond to the event in time.

Fire Department

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When using the application, you can even at a considerable distance from the protected premises, control the fire alarm system installed at the object. Upon receiving an alarm message, you can turn on or turn off the power, gas and water supply or call a rescue team.

Timely detection of fire or smoke helps to respond to the incident as quickly as possible, which significantly reduces property losses.

Advantages of using Ajax alarm system

The undoubted convenience of using the ajax system can be called:

  • ajax wireless systems that work well at a considerable distance from the center;
  • possibility of use in any room: Ajax systems are suitable for homes, apartments, offices, garages
  • multiple communication channels: the system can operate using Ethernet-connection to the Internet, Wi-Fi or GSM signal;
  • rapid notification of incidents via push-notifications in the application, SMS-notification or a call to a specified phone number;
  • the ability to complete a security system, adding additional sensors, without the need for special equipment or the help of security specialists;
  • maximum simple and clear control of all the elements by using a single application on your smartphone;
  • possibility of independent adjustment and installation of scenarios;
  • energy saving, with the appropriate set scenarios;
  • stylish design;
  • affordable and simple installation;
  • the longest possible battery life of the sensors (up to 7 years without the need for replacement).

Do you want to make your home a real fortress? Or maybe you need to secure your office, garage? Worried about the safety of property in the apartment? All these questions can be solved by installing a GSM alarm system Ajax. Choose a system of security, depending on the given criteria and the necessary tasks can be very simple if you ask for help from specialists PIPL.

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