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Instructions for connecting and configuring the AJAX KeyPad

Instructions for connecting and configuring the AJAX KeyPad

Wireless KeyPad from Ajax is a device that can be used to arm and disarm the alarm system in the house, apartment or office. It is especially convenient for large objects (shopping and business centers, enterprises, administrative buildings), where you need to provide the ability to arm and disarm a large number of people. Knowing the password, they can do it without a smartphone with the Ajax Security System program installed and without a separate key fob.

The key fob is available in glossy black and white, and resembles a touch screen tablet. The device is mounted on a special bracket located on the back cover, by screwing 4 screws (available in the kit).

How do I connect the Ajax KeyPad?

After purchasing and unpacking the keyboard, it must be registered in the system. This is very easy to do:

  • the Ajax Security System application is launched;
  • select the menu item "Add device;

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    • in the field "Device ID" the smartphone camera is pointed at the QR-code (a sticker on the back of the keyboard under the attachment cover);

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    • on the keyboard, the power button is pressed and held
    • the app recognizes the KeyPad and opens the necessary settings.

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In order for the addition to be successful, a hub connected to the Internet (Ajax Hub) must be functioning at the site. After this procedure, the keyboard can be attached to the wall, cabinet or other vertical surface - all other control will be done through the application, from an account with administrator rights.

Setting up the KeyPad

All important functions can be programmed in the settings menu:

  • set the name and location of the device;
  • grant access to certain user groups to certain rooms (the right to arm and disarm the alarm system in specified "rooms" or zones);
  • activate arming without a password (to disarm, you will still need to dial the correct combination of digits, or use the app or key fob);
  • enable blocking in case of several erroneous entries (so that an intruder cannot find a valid code by going through the variants);
  • enter a false "Withdraw Under Compulsion" cipher into the system memory, which, if entered, will alert the other users and/or the alarm company;
  • adjust the brightness of the button illumination and the volume of the sounds;
  • test the signal quality (distance from the hub).

In the "Users" category, each person (family members, company employees, trusted persons - up to 50 in total) can enter a personal access code and his/her own password with which he/she will arm and disarm the object. Thanks to this, the system log will record who exactly and at what time manipulated the security system. Also, each user has the right to set a separate password "Withdrawal under duress," which is just like his identity will be identified.

Buy Ajax KeyPad for Ajax Systems alarm system, as well as order its installation and configuration, you can in the online store, call the numbers listed on the website, or place your order online, through the basket on the website of goods.

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